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Courage & Perseverance Courage Surfer Cross Glass Ornament Crystal & Alloy Small Clock Crystal 3D Cross Key Chain, Version A Crystal 3D Cross Key Chain, Version B Crystal 3D Star of David Keychain Crystal 5" X 7" with Base, Vertical Crystal 7" X 5" with Base, Horizontal Crystal Apple Crystal Art Crystal Ashtray, Hexagon Crystal Ashtray, Rectangular Crystal Awards Crystal Ball with Electroplated Stand, Large Crystal Ball with Electroplated Stand, Small Crystal Base and Diamond Crystal Basketball & Base Crystal Bicycle Crystal Block Vase Crystal Block w/ Concave Earth Crystal Business Card & Golf B Crystal Chess Set Crystal Cube Lighter Crystal Cube with Concave & Base Crystal Cube, Double Bevel, Large Crystal Cube, Double Bevel, Medium Crystal Cube, Double Bevel, Small Crystal Desk Set with Globe, Clock & Pen Crystal Dome Paperweight Crystal Engraving Crystal Football, Clear Crystal Gavel 10" & Base 12" Crystal Gifts Crystal Globe Award on Black Base Crystal Globe In Hand, Large Crystal Globe In Hand, Small Crystal Globe on Books Crystal Globe Pen Holder Crystal Golf Ball on Stand Crystal Golf Club Bottom & Base Crystal Golfer Crystal Hands Holding a Cross Crystal Heart 2.5", Small Crystal Heart 3.5", Medium Crystal Heart 6", Large Crystal Hockey Puck Crystal House Clock Crystal Iceberg Blank Crystal Jewelry